Personal update; my return

Hello there, dear readers,

I haven't talked to you in a year now! I never thought I'd say such a statement. First, I want to apologise for the radio silence. I'm sorry I've not been showing signs of life other than the odd reply here and there. And I'm sorry things had to go the way they did.

A year ago, my life and studies had become such a toil on me that there was no way I would be able to continue proper work on Tangled Stars without compromising quality. At that time, making any sort of update had become such a hard thing to do; frankly, I had no motivation or enjoyment towards it. I've tried so so hard to pick up the pen again, both to draw and write, and nothing would work. So instead, I decided it was for the better to completely step away from everything until I was sure I had the time and mental capacity.

And that brings us to today. After a year-long break from any sort of major projects, and solely focusing on my life and studies, I can now say that I am where I need to be. During my break I haven't completely given up on my skills. Quite the opposite! I've been working hard on the side to improve my writing and art skills, and in the midst, I've also learnt music (which I plan to implement in the novel). But overall, I feel so much better in every aspect.

And I'm going to be honest with you, during this year, I have hardly worked at all on Tangled Stars itself, as I've mentioned already. However! I have thoroughly planned the plots, story, subplots, and a bunch of other little fun things I have planned along the way! So, in a way, even if I haven't properly done anything to Tangled Stars, I have done things to its foundation that will make future updates so much smoother.

I know that because of my silence and absence I probably lost a great deal of readers, and that's okay, it was my decision and it was for the better of Tangled Stars. But now, for you, the ones that are still around, this is my letter to tell you that I'm officially, fully back! Soon I will start working on remaking the sprites of the characters, and I will also give little updates on the plot changes in every sneak.

Again, I'm so, so sorry that I've been away for so long, and I know how much of a blow this is to the vn. But don't worry! No matter how many people will read my work, even if it's only one person, I will keep going for that single individual. 

I'm so super psyched to be back, and I can't wait to show you the things I have planned! So stay tuned!

Love you all, stay safe <3

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It's really a good news to hear that you finally come back and ready for a new start. I can't wait to play the rewrite version.( But i also hope you can create in a good mood~   So please don't push yourself to hard)

Thank you sm for the kind words <3 

Excited to show everyone the rewrite!!


Yay thank you for coming back I’m glad you took time for yourself and that you are reward to come back can wait for future updates!!!


glad to be back!!! <3


i cant spell i mneant to say ready and cant lol:D

i understood anyway don’t worry haha


Welcome back. It sounds like your year was actually more productive than a waste. Congratulations! 
Looking forward to seeing what all you were doing!


thank you!!! Can’t wait to show you either ^^


Oh I will stay tuned.


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aaaaahhh thank you so much for the kind words!!! Really made my day <33

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